#SMEsuccess is a campaign to highlight the contribution of SMEs to the UK’s industrial landscape and how, through industrial strategies, they are:
- supporting local economic growth
- increasing national productivity
- enabling the UK to become more globally competitive
Working in partnership through industrial strategies – the Aerospace Growth Partnership (AGP), the Defence Growth Partnership (DGP) and the Security and Resilience Growth Partnership (SRGP) – government and industry are developing initiatives that are enabling companies to succeed.
Paul Everitt, CEO of ADS Group says:
“The government has been clear in its commitment to industrial strategies, including committing an additional £2bn to high-tech R&D through the new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund.
“Industrial strategies are genuine collaborations between industry and government providing increased investment in R&D, skills and productivity improvements, all of which underpin UK competitiveness.
“As we look towards the start of Brexit negotiations, industrial strategies provide the stability needed to sustain economic momentum and attract investment needed so that UK companies continue to thrive once outside the European Union.”
Over the coming months ADS will be profiling our Member SMEs from around the UK, and highlighting their experiences of industrial strategies.
Industrial strategy initiatives include:
The Aerospace Growth Partnership:
The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI):
The ATI was established as a collaboration between Government and industry; to create the UK’s aerospace technology strategy, advising and challenging the sector through £3.9 billion of secured R&T investment, to ensure the UK retains it global competitive position.
- Case study: South West Metal Finishing
- Case study: University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing
- Case study: Zenotech Ltd
UK aerospace suppliers need to constantly invest in their ability to deliver competitive performance. To support this, Sharing in Growth UK was set up in 2013 and is set to deliver a £250M programme of intensive supplier development over four years to 64 UK suppliers.
- Case study: Midlands Aerospace Ltd
- Case study: Stone Foundries
- Case study: TMD Technologies
- Case study: South West Metal Finishing
- Case study: Aeromet
- Case study: JJ Churchill
National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme (NATEP) is aimed at small and medium sized suppliers to help them develop their own innovative technologies to enhance their capabilities and increase their ability to win new business with higher tier companies anywhere in the world.
- Case study: AVPE
- Case study: BOXARR
- Case study: Denroy Plastics
- Case study: CCP Gransden
- Case study: Oxford Space Systems
SC21 (21st Century Supply Chains) is a change programme designed to accelerate the competitiveness of the aerospace & defence industry by raising the performance of its supply chains. The programme, which has more than 760 corporate participants, is based on companies following a framework to achieve and maintain set criteria within areas including: Business Excellence; Manufacturing Excellence; Relationship Excellence; and Quality and Delivery performance.
- Case study: IPC Mouldings
- Case study: AVPE
- Case study: MEP Ltd.
The Defence Growth Partnership:
The UK Defence Solutions Centre (UKDSC):
The UKDSC is the centralised coordinating and strategic planning function for industry. Providing a coherent view of future export requirements demands, strategic technologies and capabilities, the UKDSC identifies both the areas of strength within the UK value chain and areas where the UK needs to enhance its overall Research and Development (R&D) programme, so the UK is best-placed to secure future defence export opportunities.
The UKDSC Innovation Challenge is a set of Ministry of Defence funded competitions to find innovative technology to solve defence challenges. UKDSC and the Centre for Defence Enterprise co-sponsor the competitions.The challenges have been created to target opportunities and gaps in the UK defence market. They stimulate activity in niche areas – investing in lower-level applied research and innovation to generate future capabilities and products.
- Case study: Glyndwr Innovations
The Dual-Use Technology Exploitation (DUTE) programme aims to strengthen and boost UK economic growth by harnessing a UK community of innovative SMEs, Universities and leading UK Industry partners, identifying the best technologies from defence and civil sectors and ensuring they are put to dual-use in adjacent sectors.
Team UK: Coming soon
Other categories:
- Case study: Copernicus Technology Ltd
- Case study: STG Aerospace
European Funding:
- Case study: Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd
Marketing and Communications for SMEs:
- Case study: Communicator Ltd.