June 17, 2022

Customs Declarations – moving from CHIEF to CDS

Customs Declarations – moving from CHIEF to CDS

The UK customs declaration system has been due for an upgrade since the announcement of the Union Customs Code in 2016. With […]

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March 21, 2022

JEDHub Annual Economic Report

JEDHub Annual Economic Report

Today (21 March 2022) marks the launch of the first annual economic report from the Joint Economic Data Hub (JEDHub). What is […]

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February 6, 2022

National Apprenticeship Week 2022

National Apprenticeship Week 2022

This week is National Apprenticeships Week 2022 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The 15th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships will see […]

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January 24, 2022

ADS 2022 Priorities and Outlook

ADS 2022 Priorities and Outlook

Due to the postponement of the ADS Annual Dinner to 23 March, on Wednesday 19 January in its place a webinar took place and members were introduced […]

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January 17, 2022

UK Economy grew in November – Aerospace manufacture remains weak

UK Economy grew in November – Aerospace manufacture remains weak

Last week the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published estimates of GDP figures for the month of November 2021. The UK economy […]

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December 17, 2021

Emerging Skills Project

Emerging Skills Project

ADS are supporting the Emerging Skills Project (ESP) as part of the Government’s Skills for Jobs plan, specifically focused on the Manufacturing […]

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December 8, 2021

UK Trade and Export Finance Forum

UK Trade and Export Finance Forum

This week, ADS attended the UK Trade and Export Finance Forum to learn about opportunities and support available to business from a […]

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November 12, 2021

Q3 2021 – growth continues, slowed by supply chain disruption

Q3 2021 – growth continues, slowed by supply chain disruption

This week’s GDP figures give us a first look at the economic recovery in the month of September and also the third […]

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M5 launches joint report setting out how to maximise the potential of UK manufacturing

M5 launches joint report setting out how to maximise the potential of UK manufacturing

This week ADS, alongside the trade associations representing the automotive, chemicals, food and drink and pharmaceutical manufacturers launched their first paper as […]

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October 20, 2021

Manufacturing 5: Investing in advanced manufacturing is investing in levelling up

Manufacturing 5: Investing in advanced manufacturing is investing in levelling up

As the Government looks to deliver ambitious plans for domestic reform and global leadership, the success of UK manufacturing will be central […]

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Brexit transition
September 16, 2021

Full Import Controls on EU to UK goods once again delayed

Full Import Controls on EU to UK goods once again delayed

Some businesses this week will welcome the news that the UK Government have refreshed the timetable for the implementing full customs controls […]

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September 14, 2021

Ping-demic stalls expected July growth  

Ping-demic stalls expected July growth  

With Freedom Day (in England) on July 19 2021, many anticipated that the July growth figures would be significant especially given the general excitement in July of summer […]

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July 12, 2021

UK Economy – there is growth, but it’s slow

UK Economy – there is growth, but it’s slow

0.8 percent GDP growth in May 2021 is the fourth consecutive month of growth. As restrictions eased in April there was a […]

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