Security and Prosperity: Strengthening UK Defence & Security Exports, is an in-depth report which analyses how long-term, strategic Government is key to enabling the industry to grow its share of international market opportunities.

The report sets out how increasing defence and security exports makes a direct contribution to national security and prosperity; enabling industry to invest in developing new technologies and which provide the UK’s armed forces and security agencies with access to leading-edge technology, training and support.

Paul Everitt, Chief Executive of ADS Groups says: “The Security and Prosperity report provides Government and industry with a practical framework for increasing defence and security exports.

“A more coordinated approach to supporting exports will contribute to our national security, supporting prosperity and high value jobs. The recommendations outlined in this report support the valuable work being done by the Defence Growth Partnership and Security and Resilience Growth Partnership.

“International budgets are under pressure, competition is fierce and UK industry needs to be able to win its share of global market opportunities. This report sets out how companies of all sizes can gain from opportunities to export, all of which is underpinned by the world’s most robust and transparent licencing regime.”


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