Innovative contributions commended at ADS Annual Dinner

Posted on 29 January, 2025 by Advance 

At the ADS Annual Dinner last night, Kevin Craven, CEO of ADS, welcomed Defence Secretary John Healey, as the importance of innovative contributions from ADS' sectors towards driving UK security and prosperity, was recognised.

Image courtesy ADS
Celebrating 15 years since the first ADS Annual Dinner, Kevin Craven (above) noted the importance of the valuable contributions made by ADS Members towards securing the nation's security and sustainable economic growth, plus the need for strategies focused on enabling partnerships between academia, industry and government.

The event welcomed over 1,100 people, two Secretaries of State, five government ministers, opposition front benchers and eight international delegations.

In his speech Kevin Craven said: "No organisation – whether it is government, industry or academia – can afford to be passive if it wants to achieve growth, national security and sustainability simultaneously.

"A long term, coordinated approach is needed to ensure the UK rightly retains our global leadership in aerospace, defence, security and space – the powerhouses of advanced manufacturing and innovative services.

"Each and every organisation in this room has had a role in the 50% growth in economic value add that aerospace, defence, security and space have delivered in the last 10 years. That includes, by the way, micro and smaller enterprises at the top end of innovative and enterprising engineering, as well as those bigger players that deliver the larger, perhaps more recognisable platforms that we see in our daily lives.

"The aerospace and defence sectors, for example, share dual use technological innovations that enable economies of scale, enhance competitiveness and keep us safe. The space and security industries, too, act as enabling sectors, with technologies like GPS and secure networks underpinning day to day life almost every moment – whether we realise it, or not.

"Against a backdrop of many years of anaemic national growth – with more forecast – the Government’s single-minded mission in pursuit of economic growth is necessary. Without the appropriate plan and focus on execution, however, our growth potential remains untapped.

"Of course prosperity cannot be sustainably delivered through governmental action alone and nor should it be but we offer instead partnership that unlocks the full potential of our sectors."

He stressed the value of the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultations announced by the government - that recognises the importance of the ADS sectors in fuelling national strategic planning, economic growth and developing the UK workforce of tomorrow - but that it must provide critical support for large and small businesses and creates a stable business environment that welcomes private investment, with a plan for innovative financing solutions.

He went on to say that recognising and leveraging our cross-sectoral links will enable the UK to amplify its strengths, secure foreign investment and strengthen its industrial foundations, through the creation of formal structures for coordination not only across government departments but also with existing successful industry-government initiatives, such as Growth Partnerships. He noted that the space sector is an accute example of this as yet not happening.

Kevin also outlined the need to balance safety and innovation with agile frameworks that facilitate deployment of emerging technologies, built on shaping consolidated and simplified innovation ecosystems supported by government policies, so industry and academia can maintain the UK’s strategic advantage and cement leadership in critical areas including AI, quantum computing and advanced materials, whilst mentioning the urgent need for reforms to address future workforce requirements.

He concluded by highlighting the need for a long term approach extending beyond single parliamentary terms, that puts the nation's safety, security and prosperity first via strengthened strategic industries. Finally, he acknowledged the strong support received from the PM, Secretaries of State and government Ministers, plus the continued support and understanding shown by the guest speaker he then introduced, the UK Secretary of State for Defence, John Healey.

In his inaugural Defence of the Realm address, the Defence Secretary said: "Let me begin by thanking Kevin and his team at ADS for hosting this splendid event and for their work in promoting an industry that is the foundation for our way of life.

"ADS is going from strength to strength, with a double digit increase in your membership last year. You represent a commitment to innovation and excellence that are hallmarks of the British business spirit. Yours is an industry which proves that we are still – at heart – a nation of makers and inventors. I know recent times haven’t been easy. And as Defence Secretary, I am grateful to you all.

"This event brings us together from across the UK, across the industry and across the political divide. I welcome this because defence policy and procurement commitments reach beyond political cycles.

"I believe I’m the first Defence Secretary who’s spoken at this dinner and tonight, you have two for the price of one with me as the warmup act for Penny Mourdant’s after dinner speech. Penny is someone with a lifelong connection and commitment to our armed forces, who rose to become the first woman ever to hold the role of Defence Secretary.

"I’ve had the privilege of six months in the role, part of a government taking on profound challenges in our economy, our public finances and our national security.

He summarised new government initiatives, including stepping up support for Ukraine - complemented by the UK’s landmark 100 Year Partnership and the vital role of industry as a military enabler - an increase in defence spending of almost £3 billion and the buy back of over 36,000 military homes to improve forces housing and save taxpayers' money.

He said: "One of the great strengths of the defence industry is that you force us to reach for the future.

"Down the years, you’ve been responsible for some of the most significant innovations in history. Designed for times of war but which often produce lasting benefits for wider society well beyond the battlefield. As a nation, we’re good – and rightly so – at taking pride in the professionalism of our soldiers, sailors and aviators. But we know that that they are only as effective as the industry which equips them.

"We must be better at celebrating the role of the coders, programmers, scientists and engineers who provide our forces with the tools they need to protect us. It’s why I want us to not only change the way we work with the defence industry but also change the way we see the defence industry. On the way we work with industry, I hope the last few months serve as a glimpse of the type of partnership we want to forge."

He also gave insights into the government's defence reform, including the creation of industrial bases for new UK and Ukraine capabilities, the new role of National Armaments Director, plus government's support for defence is an engine for driving economic growth, as it looks to develop a more integrated defence sector, underpinned by its new Defence Industrial Strategy and refected within the Strategic Defence Review.

He concluded: "This is new era of threats, demands a new era for defence. Change is essential, not optional.

"Our success rests on a new partnership with innovators, investors and industry. Our government is determined to meet the challenge, determined to deliver for defence. Together, we will make Britain secure at home and strong abroad."