ADS' Business Ethics Network are collaborating with PwC UK to host a free webinar for companies of all sizes on the important topic of speak-up cultures and effective whistleblowing management.
As consumers, investors, employees and wider society become more focused on good governance and wider ESG concerns, there is an increasing focus from lawmakers and regulators to ensure organisations respond appropriately when potential issues are raised. The EU Whistleblowing Directive is one example of how this is coming to life, as the new legislation seeks to set minimum standards for whistleblower management and anti-retaliation protections.
A strong speak-up culture can also create value by providing key insights into a business and identifying potential issues before they become unmanageable, ultimately providing a better protection to an organisation’s reputation.
There are various elements that combine to create an effective whistleblowing programme, including: the creation of a culture of awareness and trust; the accessibility of reporting channels; robust case management systems; and being able to learn from identified issues.
This webinar will cover some of these issues and feature a panel discussion to cover some of the topics in further detail, providing examples of how companies are using their speak-up programmes to create value.
- 10:00 General housekeeping - Alan Buddle, Event Manager at ADS
- 10:05 Welcome and introduction - Brinley Salzmann, Director – Overseas & Exports at ADS
- 10:10 Setting the scene and some observations about the importance of whistleblowing, an overview of changes to related legislation and a summary of key features of an effective whistleblowing system - Jonathan Wheatcroft, Forensic Services Director at PwC
- 10:30 Panel discussion on key challenges and learnings faced by organisations when implementing effective whistleblowing arrangements: Baroness Kramer - Sponsor for the Office of the Whistleblower - Jonathan Wheatcroft, Forensic Services Director at PwC, Steven Pegg, Senior Ethics Officer at Lockheed Martin, Liz Gardiner, CEO of Protect, Caroline Black, White Collar Crime and Compliance Partner at Dechert.
- 10:45 Open forum Q&A
- 11:00 Closing remarks - Brinley Salzmann, Director – Overseas & Exports at ADS