The UK’s defence sector continues to prosper and grow, still showing its competitive edge on the international market while making contributions to the UK’s economy and prosperity.
The Defence sector directly employs 147,000 people and supports over 6000 apprenticeships across the UK: delivering high value jobs for a highly skilled workforce. The UK is the second largest defence exporter in the world, second to the US, with £8.8bn in exports and £23.7bn turnover in 2021.
The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has demonstrated the value and importance of investing in national security and defence, looking ahead throughout the rest of 2022, the UK will continue to play a vital role on the international stage, supporting key allies and strengthening relationships. Defence will be an important pillar in the approach to sustainability and Net Zero. The MOD recognises that it is the largest contributor to the government’s own carbon footprint, accounting for half of all emissions. UK industry will pursue sustainability while also maintaining critical military output. This has been highlighted in the Government’s Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (2021) and the Land Industrial Strategy (2022).
Looking ahead, the Defence Outlook 2022 provides evidence for the growth Defence has seen and reflects the current landscape surrounding the sector.
View the full publication of the ADS Defence Outlook 2022 below:
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