There are many messages in the media right now with people and businesses wanting to support Ukraine during the Humanitarian crisis, ADS is sharing some guidance that we have found useful from UK government on the best way to offer support to the people of Ukraine and refugees during this time.
How and where to send support:
Monetary donations are the priority so that relief agencies can direct where needed on the ground. This is in line with guidance from the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office and the Charity Commission.
This week, the Disasters Emergency Committee has launched an urgent appeal to help people fleeing conflict in Ukraine. This is the most direct way that UK citizens can support the crisis in Ukraine and enable the DEC to direct funds to the areas that need them most as the situation rapidly unfolds.
In addition to this, the campaign launched by the DEC this week has a promise from the UK Government that it will match donations up to £20 million.
Why this route:
Most goods crossing borders require customs declaration and can be subject to checks and taxes, and this is applied to goods donated to charities such as the appeals for food, blankets, and clothing (known as ‘in kind assistance’).
Although customs processes will still need to be followed for moving goods, both the EU and UK provide for relief from customs duty on humanitarian goods.
As donations are moving from Great Britain to the EU, there are no UK duty or VAT liabilities at export but there may be upon entry to the EU, so the EU relief would be applicable.
More information on the EU relief is available on the commission website.
HMRC strongly encourage organisations wishing to support efforts in Ukraine, and in the surrounding countries, to follow FCDO advice and make a financial donation through a trusted charity.
It is worth noting at this point that the DEC have a donor policy which businesses may need to be aware of.
Advice for businesses (including charities):
The Charity Commission has published guidance for charities fundraising for Ukraine, as there is a requirement to follow export and import rules and comply with taxes or duties that may be owned in the EU or in Ukraine if goods are being sent.
UK businesses (including charities) can contact the Export Support Service (ESS) which the Department for International Trade has expanded to act as a single point of enquiry for businesses and traders with questions relating to the situation in Ukraine and Russia.
The ESS helpline number is 0300 303 8955 and is currently operational Monday to Friday 0800-1800, or support can be accessed online at https://www.gov.uk/ask-export-support-team .
ADS is working closely with members during this time as the situation in Ukraine continues to develop. If members wish to get in touch, please contact Andy.Phillips@adsgroup.org.uk .