ADS Group Ltd is collaborating with the UK Ministry of Defence in organising a free-to-participate webinar on the increasingly crucial subject of the importance for companies of trying to protect their intellectual property rights, particularly focused on the issues confronting SMEs, and what they have to do to try to achieve this.
In the Defence World, intellectual property rights (IPR) are an increasingly valuable and critical asset, both for the Ministry of Defence (UK MoD) as well as its contractors across the board, but even more especially so for SMEs. Ownership of IPR and its utilisation, as well as its exploitation, have always been vitally important topics for any company as they enter into any negotiations with the UK MoD, now, this is even more so, as the UK MOD has recently been reassessing approach to IPR to ensure that it is still achieving what is being sought, and has been seeking to introduce some changes to its Standard Terms. On-going technological developments have also added ton this pressure, to ensure that the current IPR rules are still valid and relevant.
This webinar will cover:
- The MoD perspective: why is IP important to both the UK MoD and its supplier companies and what are our key objectives in the UK MoD’s IP commercial policy? The outcome of the UK MoD’s Intellectual Property Policy Review and its implementation in defence contracting: what does it all mean for contractors? Protection of SMEs’ IPR from the Prime Contractors, as well as international export market considerations.
- Panel discussion and Q&A.
The event is aimed at anyone working in an organisation currently contracting, or looking to contract with the UK MoD.
There will also be an opportunity for interactive questions to be posed by the audience to the speakers from the UK MoD.