UK Quality Supply chain - Performance measurement working group

Special interest group

WHAT IS THE UK Quality Supply chain - Performance measurement working group?

This working group seeks to define, develop and promote a single set of standard performance measures that can be applied consistently to the Aerospace Supply Chain.  These measures should reflect the suppliers holistic aerospace industry quality performance and ideally be both reflective and predictive.  The measures should be derived and expressed in such a manner to maintain Customer/Supplier confidentiality and be comparable across the aerospace Supplier base (e.g. performance expressed in percentage or ratios.) The methods by which the data is collected, collated and stored shall be defined and appropriate controls established to control and protect data and the access to it. Different types of Supplier (Build to Print, Stockist, OEMs, MRO facilities etc.) may have additional specific measurements developed which reflect the nature of the product or service they provide to the Aerospace industry. Once the measures and a process for data collection have been established, a plan to roll out the measures is to be developed and implemented. 



The working group will develop:

  • A project plan covering the actions to be taken.  The plan should also highlight any resource requirements or dependencies.  Note: A SOFT report covering the teams progress and any issues for escalation is to be presented at each UK Quality group meeting. 
  • A list of industry standard measures (internal and external) which can be applied consistently to the Supply chain
  • A draft of the associated process, data sharing agreements, infrastructure and database specification
  • A communications plan and supporting outline presentation/video
  • A plan for a pilot scheme
  • A roll out plan


If you would like to join the working group, please send a request to the ADS UK Quality Board Facilitator: (indicating in the Subject field of the email "UK Quality Supply chain - Performance measurement working group"), providing your contact details and a brief summary of your work experience in the Aerospace and Defence sector.


Key roles

Jeff Schutter

Group Facilitator

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