Reaction to the new National Shipbuilding Strategy

Posted on 11 March, 2022 by Joscelyn Turner

Commenting on the new National Shipbuilding Strategy, ADS Chief Executive Kevin Craven said:

"The National Shipbuilding Strategy sets out welcome plans for £4 billion investment to boost UK exports, support high-value and high-skilled jobs, and strengthen the UK economy.

"Shipbuilding is an important part of the UK Defence industry and supports more than 1,000 SME organisations. The 30-year pipeline of Government vessels including eight Type 26 and five Type 31 frigates, supports industry and its advanced maritime capabilities and enables the development of advanced technologies as well as levelling up local economies and communities.

"As we look to Net Zero by 2050, the £206m investment in a UK Shipping Office is a great opportunity for the shipbuilding and maritime sector to invest in skills and R&D to support the delivery of zero emission vessels and infrastructure.

"ADS looks forward to working with the new National Shipbuilding Office, the Ministry of Defence and relevant departments, and our members to deliver its ambitions and plans."