Reaction to new Brexit Agreement

Posted on 17 October, 2019 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

Today the UK and European Commission announced a revised agreement had been reached over the UK’s exit from the European Union.

The new agreement includes revisions to the Political Declaration and to the Protocol on Ireland & Northern Ireland that accompany the Withdrawal Agreement.

ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt said:

“We are keen to understand the detail of the agreement published today and will carefully consider the Government’s statements on its plans. Securing a Brexit deal that avoids the worst-case scenario of No Deal is vital to our industries.

“We welcome the revised Political Declaration’s unchanged wording on regulatory cooperation between the UK and the EU in the areas of aviation safety and chemicals. Preserving the regulatory arrangements in place today is vital to keeping our industries competitive in overseas markets, and to sustaining frictionless trade at our borders.

“However, whether industry will be supportive of the new deal depends on the Government’s full intentions on future relationship, which must recognise the importance of a close regulatory relationship with our most important overseas markets. The UK’s long-term industrial and national security interests will be best served by a continuing close relationship with our EU partners.”