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January 21, 2014

Net lending to manufacturing down 40%

Net lending to manufacturing down 40%

A tweet and article by Chris Dillow alerted me to the Bank of England net lending figures for manufacturing (which only go back […]

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January 17, 2014

4 questions raised by Ed Miliband’s speech

4 questions raised by Ed Miliband’s speech

  Earlier today, Labour Leader Ed Miliband set out his stall on the economy. His speech, focusing primarily on fixing the British banking […]

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Robots and jobs (again)

Robots and jobs (again)

As an economist, I hate bad data and over interpretation of bad data. And although a picture may say a thousand words, […]

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January 13, 2014

FT: Business investment key to recovery

FT: Business investment key to recovery

The FT’s leader today focuses on the sustainability of the UK’s fragile recovery. It’s worth a read, but the key points are […]

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January 10, 2014

Is a 2014 General Election possible?

Is a 2014 General Election possible?

Not that there’s a big chance, but as the chartering classes like to chatter, the idea is being muted in tweets and […]

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January 8, 2014

Is poor investment affecting productivity (via ONS)

Is poor investment affecting productivity (via ONS)

Every month, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) produce a monthly Economic Review which provides a useful overview of the economic stories from […]

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January 6, 2014

Robots aren’t stealing our jobs

Robots aren’t stealing our jobs

It may seem a rather odd title, but there’s a very lively debate going on in the UK and US on whether […]

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December 16, 2013

‘Disruption is capitalism’s great party trick’

‘Disruption is capitalism’s great party trick’

Great article from Stian Westlake from NESTA this morning in City AM looking at the need to foster disruption in UK finance […]

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December 13, 2013

UK lags behind in R&D spend

UK lags behind in R&D spend

Tera Allas, a strategic advisor at the Department for Business, has tweeted a chart that looks at absolute R&D spend (as opposed […]

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December 11, 2013

Secular stagnation & ‘faux capital’ (or why not all growth it equal)

Secular stagnation & ‘faux capital’ (or why not all growth it equal)

Following a speech by Larry Summers (former US Treasury Secretary & advisor to Presidents Clinton & Obama), economists around the world are […]

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December 10, 2013

Willetts’ space ambition matched only by Industry’s

Willetts’ space ambition matched only by Industry’s

There’s been a bit of disbelief amongst the media about Science Minister David Willett’s claim that Stevenage could replace Cape Canaveral in […]

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Economic spotlight turns to business investment

Economic spotlight turns to business investment

With the post-Autumn Statement round-up almost fully completed, the single key concern on the long-term health of the economy is the lack […]

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December 5, 2013

Treasury needs to shift focus to business investment

Treasury needs to shift focus to business investment

ADS had one central priority for the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement: Unlocking business investment. Why? Business investment, which is key to our members’ long-term, global competitiveness, is […]

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