ADS is gauging interest amongst UK firms in attending an interactive roundtable discussion. ADS and its British Industrial Participation & Offset Group special interest group have been approached by Julia Jones, who is a lawyer with solid experience in the defence sector. Julia has spent many years working on the Brazilian Navy Submarine Program (Prosub), with her last position being legal counsel for Naval Group in Brazil, a French company responsible for the transfer of technology to the submarine program.
Julia is a PhD candidate at the Brazilian Naval War College and is currently on an exchange program at King’s College London. Her doctoral research focuses on offset practices in Brazil, exploring ways to enhance their efficiency.
Format proposed is to provide attendees with a brief overview of the Brazilian offset policy, providing insights into the motivations behind such policies and foster a more nuanced understanding of it. Subsequently she will introduce a series of questions to stimulate discussion and debate.
Among the questions to be discussed during this interactive session would be:
- When participating in an offer, how do you assess the offset environment of the country? What are the challenges?
- Identify three major challenges you’ve encountered when developing offset projects to present in a bid proposal
- How do you see the future of offset programs? Do you see shifts in global policies, market demands, or technologies affecting these initiatives?
- What role do offset play in your overall business strategy? Do you consider them a means to open new business opportunities?
- Can you share examples of offset programs that you consider "best practice" in terms of outcomes for both the British industry and the host country?
- If a country aims to achieve technological autonomy, what type of offset would you propose and why?
- Hamonizing concepts: What is offset or industrial participation for you?
- 13:00 – Registration and informal networking light lunch
- 14:00 – Welcome and introduction - Brinley Salzmann (Director – Overseas & Exports, ADS)
- 14:10 – Presentation on the Brazilian Offset scene - Julia Jones (Brazilian Naval War College)
- 15:00 – Networking break
- 15:15 – Interactive roundtable discussion session
- 16:15 – Interactive Q&A session
- 16:55 – Final remarks and close - Brinley Salzmann (Director – Overseas & Exports, ADS)
- 17:00 – Informal networking reception
- 17:30 – Close
Register interest
To register your interest in this rountable discussion please email Brinley Salzmann.