Paul Everitt welcomes Aviation Strategy call for evidence

Posted on 21 July, 2017 by [Anonymous] [Anonymous]

The Department for Transport today published a call for evidence on its Aviation Strategy, which is expected to be published in 2018.

Welcoming the call for evidence, ADS Chief Executive Paul Everitt said:

“Aviation is one of the UK’s economic strengths and makes a substantial contribution to our national prosperity. Both Government and industry must work together to make sure it continues to achieve long-term, sustainable growth.

“We welcome the call for evidence set out today, especially on the key themes of improving passengers’ experiences, promoting exports and inward investment, and supporting innovation to maintain our competitiveness.

“ADS will be responding to the call for evidence and look forward to contributing to the final Aviation Strategy set to be published next year.”

For more information on the Aviation Strategy call for evidence, visit: