Carbon Management Working Group

Special interest group


The Carbon Management Working Groups’ primary function is to promote and assist ADS Members in signing up to the Climate Change Agreement (CCA), where it is of benefit to them. 

With the reorganisation of the environmentally focussed committees following the creation of ADS, the remit of this group has now expanded to include other Climate Change legislation such as the EU ETS, ESOS and CRC as well.


The group promotes Members’ interests by examining progress towards meeting targets originally agreed with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC - now part of BEIS), and managed by the Environment Agency, as part of the management of the Aerospace Sectors Climate Change Agreements (CCA); developing an understanding of the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), and other carbon emissions legislation such as the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), and briefing Members on implications to them.

The Group works on behalf of ADS Members by establishing a position on consultations and issues and lobbying government and agencies. 

The Carbon Management WG is also working towards collating the amount of energy consumed by company facilities in order to track and promote the carbon efficiency of the ADS member sectors.

Climate Change Agreements (CCA) in the Aerospace sector ADS, in conjunction with our consultants Goodrich Consulting, manage the CCA agreements holding the Umbrella Climate Change Agreement for the Aerospace Sector. For the agreements starting in April 2013, the final target set by DECC for this sector was 12.2% reduction in relative energy efficiency terms to be achieved by 2020, and was subject to a review in 2016. In managing the CCA’s with group members, ADS charges a fee equal to 4% of the annual Climate Change Levy discount received by members, and an agreed management procedure is followed.

Important information for applications from new entrants wanting to join the CCA scheme

The rules of the Underlying Agreement do not allow the Environment Agency to add a facility to an umbrella agreement or underlying agreement in the final two months of any target period or during the whole of the final Target Period.

In practice this means that they would need to have received applications (with all relevant supporting evidence) by 31 October 2018. 

Please note: This deadline has now passed and  the Environment Agency are no longer accepting additional facilities on to the current CCA scheme.



Membership of this group is open to all ADS members, though it is specifically aimed at those who have a CCA agreement as part of the "Aerospace" Umbrella Agreement through ADS - to join, please contact Jeff Schutter by emailing: Jeff, who will validate your application and add you to the Membership.

Key roles

Jeff Schutter

Group Facilitator

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