ADS are delighted to be working with the Government of Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service in supporting a Canadian Virtual Aerospace Mission to Europe and the UK. 

Canada remains one of the world’s largest aerospace markets and ranks first for the production of civil flight simulators, third in civil engine production, and fourth in civil aircraft production. 

This Virtual Aerospace Mission to Europe offers you an excellent opportunity to familiarise yourself with the Canadian aerospace industry and to set-up one-to-one meetings with Canadian aerospace companies (free of charge). OEMs, technology companies, research organisations and supply chain companies are all welcome. 

The Programme: 

7 March 2022 (afternoon): view a series of webinars on Canada’s aerospace industry including case examples on how international aerospace companies are doing business in Canada. 

14 - 16 March 2022: UK companies meet with Canadian aerospace companies by using an online B2B platform (free of charge).   

This is an excellent opportunity to map out the Canadian aerospace industry, and engage directly with Canadian companies to explore new business and partnership opportunities in the run up to physical meetings at Farnborough Air Show. ADS is supporting this event by presenting an overview of the UK industry and Net Zero ambitions to our Canadian partners on 10 March as part of the overall programme. 

Register Here 

We encourage you to register for free here in order to access the full programme and to set-up your company profile for the B2B platform.


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